Caribbean Affairs and CARICOM Division
The Caribbean Affairs and CARICOM Division is the focal point for matters pertaining to Barbados’ bilateral and multilateral agendas with the CARICOM, Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), Association of Caribbean States (ACS) and individual Member States of those entities and other countries in the wider Caribbean region.
The Division has primary responsibility for servicing CARICOM and CARICOM-related Meetings, principal among which are the Meetings of the Conference of Heads of Government, the Community Council of Ministers and the Council of Foreign and Community Relations (COFCOR).
The principal ACS meetings serviced by the Division are the Summit of Heads of State and/or Government, Meetings of the Ministerial Council and of the Special Committees on Trade Development and External Economic Relations; Sustainable Tourism; Transport; Natural Disasters; and Budget and Administration.
The Division also monitors developments in the region under its purview and prepares briefs and reports on the relevant countries and on issues of importance to Barbados.
An essential element of integration in the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).
The CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME) is an arrangement among the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) intended to benefit the people of the region by providing more and better opportunities for employment, to produce and sell our goods and services and to attract investment. It is aimed at creating one large market among the participating CSME Member States. Within the quasi cabinet of CARICOM, Barbados has lead responsibility for the implementation of the CSME. The Single Market component comprises five (5) regimes:
- Free movement of skills/labour
- Free movement of goods
- Free movement of services
- Free movement of capital
- The right of establishment
A CARICOM national arriving in, transiting or departing a CARICOM Member State, and or seeking to exercise a right under the CSME, may have had certain experiences about which he / she wishes to file a complaint with the relevant authorities. The experience(s) may have been at a port of entry, after entry into a Member State, or both.
There is an approved Point of Entry/Departure/Inland CARICOM Complaints Procedure to assist CARICOM Nationals who may wish to file a complaint with relevant authorities. Forms are to be available at the ports of entry and all CSME Competent Authorities.
The link below will allow the complainant to complete the Complaints form and submit it electronically to the Office of the CSME Focal Point. Investigations under the complaints procedure are to be completed within eight weeks therefore it is hoped that electronic submission of the Form will expedite the process.