Foreign Trade
The CARICOM-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement
The most recently concluded bilateral agreement between CARICOM and the Spanish speaking countries of the hemisphere is the CARICOM-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement which was signed on March 9, 2004 and ratified in June 2006. As part of this Agreement, the CARICOM MDCs of Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago and Costa Rica agreed to reciprocal preferential market access for a select range of products (goods).
The Agreement provides for preferential access for a wide range of products. Some sensitive products have been excluded from free trade and a special list of products have been granted differentiated market access between Costa Rica and each of the CARICOM MDCs. There is also a list of products on a phased reduction of duty list. This phased reduction of duty list is no longer relevant given that the time period for liberalisation of the goods has ran its course.
The first Joint Council Meeting between the Parties took place on 17 June, 2015 and concluded on 18 June, 2015.
Major issues which were discussed at the Joint Council Meeting were those pertaining to non-tariff barriers, treatment for selected agricultural products, contact points, services and transportation.
The first Joint Council Meeting between the Parties took place on 17 June, 2015 and concluded on 18 June, 2015.
Major issues which were discussed at the Joint Council Meeting were those pertaining to non-tariff barriers, treatment for selected agricultural products, contact points, services and transportation.